

  This morning I had a very difficult time trying to get inspired.  I am not sure if it was because of sleep deprivation, or the constant struggle to maintain balance.  I prayed for inspiration and tried to manufacture it.  It seemed like nothing was working, until I ran across a message that brought me to tears.  I am not sure if it's because I grew up listening to Zig Ziglar and I've kind of studied his character from a distance, or if it was because I felt I was in strong need of a push at that moment.  Whatever the reason, this message was right on time and I hope it inspires you to keep on pursuing your dreams and life's purpose with full tenacity.  Enjoy!

"It's not what happens to you that matters, it's how you respond to what happens to you that makes the difference!" ~Zig Ziglar


Makeup Brush Maintenance & DIY Makeup Brush Cleaner

Makeup Brushes 
  After I posted the article about alternative makeup brushes, I received a couple of questions about brush maintenance and cleaning.  One of the questions dealt with the frequency of cleaning and the other was about recommended makeup brush cleaners.
  How often you clean your brushes depends on how often you use your brushes.  Some recommend cleaning them once a week or more and deep cleaning them once a month.  I like to clean my brushes daily and deep clean them once a week.
  I got the following recipe from a makeup artist friend of mine, who got it from someone else.  I've used this recipe several times and found it to be very effective.

You will need:

Distilled Water

91% Alcohol (to sanitize)
Dishwashing Liquid Soap (any kind will do, but I prefer Dawn or Palmolive)
Baby Shampoo
Spray-on Leave-in Conditioner (make sure you use liquid, not cream or gel-I use Aussie Hair Insurance Leave-in because it's cheap @ WalMart)
An Empty Bottle (to put the final product in)
A Funnel
A Non-Metal Stirrer (I use a wooden bamboo skewer)
A Large Glass Pyrex Measuring Cup, like the one pictured below (the top is not necessary):

  • 8-cup Measuring Cup w/ Cover 
  • Mix 1 cup of water, 1/4 cup of alcohol, 1/2 tbs. dishwashing liquid soap, 1/2 tbs. baby shampoo, 1 tbsp. leave-in conditioner
  • Very gently stir all of the ingredients and use the funnel to pour the mixture into the empty container
   I like to pour half of my solution into an empty bottle and the other half in a small spray bottle for quick cleanings.

  I've also had really good results with M.A.C's brush cleanser.  It is formulated to clean, sanitize, and condition your brush bristles which will increase the longevity of your brushes.  Their brush cleanser retails at eleven dollars and is concentrated so it lasts for a while.

Questions? Comments?  Requests? email me @


Brushes on the Cheap

  One of the keys to good makeup application is to use the right tools.  Over the years I have collected some of the most expensive and least expensive brushes to ensure an even and flawless application.  My favorite and most recommended brushes are by M.A.C because of their excellent quality and endurance.  I also like Lancome's and Estee Lauder's.  There are many other good brush companies out there but, if you do not want to invest a lot of money in brushes or decide to purchase them one or two at a time, there are plenty of options.
  One good and very economical option is to use paint brushes, which can be found at your local craft store.  My favorite brand to use is Loew-Cornell and they range from about $2.25 and up at Hobby Lobby and most craft stores.  I like to purchase my brushes at Hobby Lobby because they often have the brushes marked down 50%.  The quality of the brushes is good, the bristles are soft and if you take good care of them they will last and last.
  I can't promise you that they are as soft or effective as professional makeup art brushes by M.A.C and others but they do provide a good, cheap alternative.


Tips for the Fabulous Forty Plus

I've had the privilege of doing makeup for many beautiful women, all different ages.  I have enjoyed watching the transformations of countless women and have over time learned many tips and tricks that are simple, quick and easy to implement into anyone's daily routine.  

  I have often gotten questions from women who are over forty and are in need of a little boost or change in their everyday regimen. So, here are my top ten favorite tips:

  1. Drink lots of water
  2. Get plenty of rest (The earlier the better, preferably before midnight--9pm is ideal :)
  3. Exercise--You don't have to overexert yourself!  Just a simple half hour walk will help keep your blood circulating which will help the collagen turnover rate of your skin and help give a natural glow.  It is also good for your heart, your muscles, kidney, and etc.
  4. Moisturize your skin--This will keep your skin soft and supple.  Water also help internally with the moisturizing of your skin.  Keeping your skin moisturized can help prevent premature lines and wrinkles.
  5. Use a non-soap cleanser for your face--Soap can be too harsh and drying.
  6. Use nude lip pencils instead of darker lip pencils--This will give you a softer, more youthful look
  7. Use a soft brown eyeliner instead of black--Soft brown will give you a softer, more youthful look
  8. Use eyeshadow or brow powder instead of pencil to fill in your brows--The eyeshadow or brow powder will give a softer, more natural look
  9. Wear sunglasses--This will not only give you an instant glamorous look but it will also help keep you from squinting--which can cause fine lines and wrinkles
  10. And my favorite of all:  Gain a little weight!  If your face is a little sunken, pack on about five or ten pounds.  This will help fill your face out.

Thanks for visiting my page!
Questions?  You can post a comment below or email me at:


My First Video Post!

  After many months of procrastinating and three months of being fed up with my editing software, I finally posted my first video :-)   I am so excited about this because now, I will be able to demonstrate some of the tips and techniques that I've posted about.  
  I was soooo nervous while taping my first videos, but I'm sure I'll loosen up over time.  I had to cut the video featured below abruptly, due to excessive rambling ;-)  All of my first videos were taped in about two weeks, everyday between two and six in the morning (that's my little disclaimer, I was very lethargic, so please be easy :-D)  I have about three or four videos waiting to be edited, that I taped in July 09'--major procrastination!   
  Please visit my new page @ and subscribe, it's free!  Here's my introduction video:

As Always, Thanks so much for visiting my page!  Muah (Smooches)>>>>


When God When

Woman looking at alarm clock

by Joyce Meyer
We all want good things to happen in our lives, but too often we want it now...not later. When it doesn't happen that way, we are tempted to ask, "When, God, when?" Most of us need to grow in the area of trusting God instead of focusing on the “when” question. If you're missing joy and peace, you're not trusting God. If your mind feels worn out all the time, you're not trusting God. The tendency to want to know about everything that's going on can be detrimental to your Christian walk. Sometimes knowing everything can be uncomfortable and can even hurt you. I spent a large part of my life being impatient, frustrated and disappointed because there were things I didn't know. God had to teach me to leave things alone and quit feeling that I needed to know everything. I finally learned to trust the One who knows all things and accept that some questions may never be answered. We prove that we trust God when we refuse to worry....
This article is continued at:

 (You can just copy and paste the link above--I know the link is long but it should work, if not just email me and I will walk you through it :)  
Have a Super Sunday!


M.A.C Mischief Makers Holiday 2009 Sneak Peek!

White pink with pearlized pigments (Lipglass) (Limited Edition) (Repromote)

Ensign Peachy pink with white and gold pearlized pigments (Lustreglass) (Limited Edition) (Repromote)
Morning Glory Pale pearlized pink (Lustreglass) (Permanent)
Cruise Control Pastel pink with white pearlized pigments (Lipglass) (Limited Edition)
Poetic License Coral rose (Lipglass) (Limited Edition) (Repromote)

Wonderstruck Lustred-up clean pink coral (Lustreglass) (Permanent)
Pinkarat Soft-toned pink with gold pearl (Lustreglass) (Permanent)
Silly Girl Pastel peach with multi-coloured pearlized pigments (Lipglass) (Limited Edition) (Repromote)
Beaute Bright coral with pearlized pigments (Lipglass) (Limited Edition)
Totally It Sheer bright pink with pink pearlized pigments (Lipglass) (Limited Edition) (Repromote)

Instant Gold Lustre-shined light neutral gold (Lustreglass) (Permanent)
Pinkular Bronzed copper (Lipglass) (Limited Edition) (Repromote)
Gitane Burnt red orange with pearlized pigments (Lipglass) (Limited Edition)
Magnetique Frosted violet fuchsia (Lipglass) (Limited Edition) (Repromote)
AngelWing Deep plum with golden pearlized pigments (Lustreglass) (Limited Edition) (Repromote)

Cool Capers/Cool
Reflects Transparent Teal Micro-fine teal glitter (Glitter) (PRO) (Permanent)
Kitschmas Light airy shimmering pink/mauve pearl (Pigment) (Permanent)
Fuchsia Bright fuchsia with pink pearll (Pigment) (Permanent) (Repromote)
Grape Deep purple (Pigment) (Limited Edition) (Repromote)
Deep Blue Green Rich, deep bluish green (Pigment) (PRO) (Permanent)

Haute High Jinks/Warm
Jardin Aires Tan with gold pearlized pigments (Pigment) (Limited Edition) (Repromote)
Rushmetal Rich copper sparkle (Pigment) (Limited Edition) (Repromote)

Museum Bronze Rich taupe with gold pearlized pigments (Pigment) (Limited Edition) (Repromote)
Copperized Olive green with gold pearl (Pigment) (Limited Edition) (Repromote)
Reflects Gold Gold glitter (Glitter) (Permanent) 

Reflects Antique Gold
Antique gold glitter (Glitter) (PRO) (Permanent) (In the middle)
Naked Fleshy beige with golden copper pearl (Pigment) (Permanent) (On the left)

Sunnydaze Soft apricot-taupe with silver pearlized pigments (Pigment) (Limited Edition) (Repromote)
Chocolate Brown Shimmering chocolate copper/bronze (Pigment) (PRO) (Permanent)

Dark Soul Black with gold flecks (Pigment) (Permanent) (On the right)

Don't you love this packaging-so chic!  These sets make the perfect gifts for someone else or yourself :D
This collection will release in the U.S. on November 5th so get ready!

The lip sets are $29.50US/$35.50CAN.  The mini pigment sets are $32.50US/$38.50CAN

Which sets have you added to your list? 

As always, thank you so much for taking time to read my posts.  Have a great day!


A Little Rambling...

Disclaimer:  No, I am not editing this post...I am rambling because of sleep deprivation and I am not concerned with grammatical errors so please excuse me and hopefully this will be a one time thing :D Yes, it has come to this :D  I am so sleepy right now because it was a beautiful day today.  I decided to spend most of the day in the park and I can barely keep my eyes open now.  I am rarely speechless but, right now I am at a lost for words at least when it comes to beauty tips and tricks.  I want every post to be meaningful, inspiring, uplifting, and encouraging.  I feel as if I am still in the getting to know you phase of this blog and I intend to share little by little, more and more about myself until a connection is made.  
  I love all things beauty related but, I believe beauty starts from within.  My recent blogcation (blog vacation) was really about taking some time to reflect, meditate, and regroup.  I needed to process some things that had been going on in our world.  I know this is a beauty blog but I was moved by different tragedies that have taken place recently.  After reading what happened to Chicago youth, Derrion Albert, I couldn't hold it in anymore.  I felt kind of silly posting about beauty and makeup when so many people in this world are hurting, starving, and dying.  It all seemed so pointless and meaningless. I had to take a moment of silence, it was my little way of paying respect to Derrion Albert's family and the families of others who have lost family members  to senseless violence.  I have a special heart for girls, teens, and women and I long for each one of us to be uplifted and confident (and etc.).  I wanted to be sure that I am aligned with the purpose that God placed me here for and that I am not just existing.  I felt challenged to be more aware of others around me, to pray more for people outside my "comfortable setting", and do my part to effect change.   
  To those of you who visit this page faithfully and send kind words of encouragement and especially subcribers,  thank you so much.  Your support means so much to me.  Please be encouraged today, don't allow anyone to steal your joy.  Guard your heart for out of it flows the issues of life.  If you are in relationships or situations that are stealing your joy and peace,  please pay attention, evaluate them because they may not be worth your time.  Is it time for a personal inventory?
  Yesterday, I had the most enlightening, refreshing conversation with my younger cousin (I want to call her my baby cousin so bad, but she's grown :D )  Everytime I talk with her I learn so much.  I am amazed at her wisdom and talking with her reminded me of some very valuable lessons that have stuck with me.  We have to love ourselves before we can love others.  People that have a problem loving and respecting others most likely have a hard time loving and respecting themselves.  Don't take  people's rudeness, disrespect or ill behavior towards you personal, some people are just ignorant!  Seriously, some people have not been taught to consider other people's feelings and some people have delusions of grandeur--whatever the reason, it's sad.  I feel sorry for people like that, they are really missing out.  You have to learn to shake nonsense off and keep on moving forward in life because some people are so miserable with their lives and they will try to infect you with their misery.  Just say no to negativity and drama because it can drain you of life and energy, it's just not worth it.  If people don't accept you or reject you, be thankful because it most likely is God's way of protecting you from some unseen drama or might be trying to protect you from destiny pirates.   Love and embrace yourself, flaws and all, don't allow people to change you because you will never keep up with all of the changes and eventually you will lose your identity.  I am convinced that I am not supposed to be in every circle and clique and my constant prayer is to be in the right place, at the right time, with the right people, that line up with my God given destiny and purpose.  Life is too precious to get entangled in distractions!  Know that you are valuable and you have a purpose.   Smile more.  Laugh more.  Love more.  Live more. :D! I have plenty more to say but honestly, I am going to get some rest before this post turns into a book :D  Maybe I'll do a part two.  I love you, God bless you, and thanks so much for reading this post--flaws and all.
If you need prayer or would like to respond to this post or any of my other posts, you can subscribe and leave a comment below or email me @


All About Eyeliner...


   I wore the featured eyeliner from last Monday's post again today for over eight hours and it stayed in place all day, I am quite impressed with it.  Like I've mentioned before, I am taking it slow with the drugstore makeup but, I am definitely open to new ideas.  Finding a good eyeliner for only $3.12 is nice but, I still love my faithful staples and I wanted to share them with you in case you would like to try them.
   The very first eye kohl pencils that I've ever used are by M.A.C in Teddy (a deep metallic brown or bronze), Blooz (shimmery blue), and Smolder (Intense Black).  The eye kohls are $14.50 and are very easy to apply, easy to smudge and longwearing.  I like to use Teddy to line my waterline in place of a black eyeliner for a softer, less dramatic look.  When I want more intensity and for smokey looks, I use smolder because the pigmentation is great, true black. 

  My go to eyeliner for brides is the Powerpoint eye pencil by M.A.C because it is waterproof and longwearing.  My favorites are Stubborn Brown (deep brown) and Engraved (Jet Black).  These eye pencils are $14.50 and come in shimmer and matte finishes.
 Another great longwearing and waterproof eye pencil is the 24/7 Glide-On eye pencil by Urban Decay.  This is the creamiest waterproof eyeliner I have ever used.  It only takes thirty seconds for this eyeliner to set and once it's dry, it doesn't budge.  The 24/7 eye pencil is $17.00.24/7 Glide-On Eye Pencil

  The best duplicate for the eyeliner kajals used by indian women, (to recreate intense lines like the beautiful bride's pictured above) that I've found so far, is an eyeliner kajal by Stila.  This pencil is so creamy that I often use a small angle brush to apply it.  I love the pigmentation, it's so rich and it's very easy to apply and smudge.  Stila's eyeliner kajal is $18.00.
kajal eye liner

 This is definitely not a comprehensive list, there are others that I use, like the Artist's Pencils by Estee Lauder.  There are many others that I would like to try like the DoubleWear Stay-In-Place eye pencil by Estee Lauder, and when I do, I'll share a review with you (hey that rhymes ;D ).
  What are your favorites?


Quick & Natural Eye Makeup Remover

  I try to use as many natural products as possible in my daily skincare regimen, as long as they are effective.  I also love multi-purpose products, like food for facials.  I've used Lancome's  Bi-Facil double action eye makeup remover for many years and in my opinion, it's worth every bit of the twenty-six dollars it retails at.  I have tried to buy cheaper eye makeup removers in the past and have gotten cheap results.  I am very picky when it comes to products placed on the delicate tissue around my eye.  I don't like anything that requires a lot of pulling, tugging, and heavy rubbing, so for years, I just "sucked it up" and shelled out the twenty-six bucks. 
  About two years ago I watched an episode of the Tyra Show and in this particular episode Tyra removed her eye makeup with baby oil.  I immediately thought of trying olive oil as a substitute because I didn't have any baby oil, and it worked like a charm.
  Try it and let me know how it works for you...

Thank you for visiting my page!  Have a Super day!


Eyeliner Kajal under $4!

  Over the years, I have tried countless eyeliners by different high end brands and have been satisfied with them.  A couple of weeks ago I received a few requests for more affordable options and since then the quest began.  I have to admit that I am still very new to drugstore makeup.  I have been really excited about my drugstore finds lately even though the phrase "you get what you pay for" often haunts me.  So for now I am taking it slow but every now and then I find something really good, a product that is comparable to a higher end product.
  After many trips to Walmart, I finally decided to try out an eyeliner pencil by Rimmel Cosmetics.  I wanted to try it for the longest but everytime I have tried to purchase one in black, they've been sold out which kind of peaked my interest even more.  It must be very popular because I even tried two other stores and they were sold out (in black).  I was about to give up but, I finally found the eyeliner a couple days ago at good ol' Walmart for only $3.12!  I am still in shock to find such a good eyeliner for $3.12, and yes I know I am probably late and this might not be news to some.  I was skeptical at first but, I thought for $3.12 I could at least give it a try.  
  I decided to wear the eyeliner for at least 8 hours before doing this review and I am happy to report that it made my recommended product list.  For $3.12 this eyeliner was a good buy, it was very easy to apply.  It was very soft and silky smooth and definitely smudgeable--perfect for those smokey eye looks ;D.  Most importantly, it was longwearing and fade resistant.  The pigmentation was good, not great but the color is definitely buildable. 

  This eyeliner comes in a variety of colors and can be found wherever Rimmel Cosmetics are sold.
  So go ahead ladies, let's line those eyes :D


A Life of Hope, Vision and Passion

by Joyce Meyer
Do you know that God has high hopes and expectations for you? He does. The fact that He invested the life of His only Son to see you set free shows how precious you are to Him. God believes in you more than you do yourself!

I used to think that God was disappointed in me when I made mistakes. But God knows every decision we’re ever going to make, He loves us anyway, and He knows that He can change us if we’ll stay in His Word.

Perseverance Pays
In the early years when we were building our ministry, Dave and I went through a lot of difficult tests. I needed to work on my attitude. We needed to work on our marriage and how we handled money.

For six years I bought my socks and underwear at garage sales. We were totally broke—and I was teaching prosperity!

Not only that, it just wasn’t popular for women to preach back then. We lost friends and had family members who didn’t want anything to do with us.

It was just hard and sometimes I wanted to quit. But today I am so glad that I stuck with God because there are people all over the world who have been helped because of our ministry.

Scripture tells us in Matthew 19:29 that anyone and everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or children or lands for My name’s sake will receive many [even a hundred] times more and will inherit eternal life.

I know it’s true because that’s what I’m experiencing in my own life right now. If we decide to trust God’s Word and never give up, we will have victory. 

This article is continued @


How I Treat & Banish Acne
My skin is currently under siege!  I was trying to ignore this ugly, secret struggle that I've been dealing with until I received several complaints from others dealing with the same struggle.  While I was out and about the other day, I noticed quite a few people struggling with the same thing so, I knew it was time to face this demon that we call acne.  

  I would love to say that I am ignorant of the cause, but I am not, I know exactly what I have to do to keep acne at bay.  I have tried a lot of alleged acne remedies and treatments over the years.  I was even enrolled in the Proactiv system a few years ago for about four years straight and it was working well for me. Until one day,  I  ran out of my Proactiv products, and  BAM-an eruption!!!
  What I noticed was that even though the Proactiv was highly effective while using it, when I stopped using it for a couple of days, the acne was more severe and it took several weeks for the Proactiv to become effective again.  
  So now,  I am back to my tried and true home remedies and treatments for banishing acne and oily skin.   When you are researching products for your skin please keep in mind that every product doesn't work the same for everyone so, use what works best for you.  Some people swear by Proactiv and others reported that they didn't see any results.   If you find something that works great for you, stick with it, be consistent.  Keep in mind that as the seasons change and as you get older your skin changes so you should embrace and adjust to those changes.  Sometimes that will mean switching products to suit the changes.

  Here are some of my tried and true products, remedies and treatments for acne and oily skin:

  Alcohol--I apply it to a q-tip and hold it over the pimple for about 30 seconds at a time, until it starts to dry.  The alcohol will dry the pimple out and help kill the bacteria that caused it.
  Queen Helene Mint Julep Mask--I like to apply this mask three times a week.  This mask helps dry up pimples and leaves my skin feeling soft and smooth.

  Queen Helene Mint Julep Natural Facial Scrub-- I like to use this mask three times a week after I rinse off the mint julep mask to exfoliate and decongest my skin.

  Milk of Magnesia--I like to apply this after cleansing and drying my face to combat excessive oiliness.  Some even use it underneath their foundation to combat oil all day.  If you are going to try this method please use the milk of magnesia sparingly to avoid a chalky appearance.
  A Slice of Lemon--This helps with drying up pimples.  I like to just sit the lemon slice on the pimple for about five minutes or more.  
  Toothpaste--I use the white kind, not the gel.  I apply it directly to the pimple and leave it on for about twenty minutes.
  M.A.C's Blot Powder--I usually apply this as a setting powder and use it throughout the day for touch-ups
  M.A.C's Blot Film--I use this to remove excess oil and as an alternate for the blot powder.
  Dial's Liquid Antibacterial Handwash--This is my all-time favorite treatment to use when all else fails.  I know that you are probably thinking, that it is too harsh but hey, desperate times calls for desperate measures.
If you have a tip you would like to share, please leave a comment below or email me @



An Anti-Aging Treat!


1 narrow loaf of french bread
7 vine ripened tomatoes
4-6 cloves of garlic
2 tbs. coursely chopped basil
2 tbs. extra virgin olive oil
finely ground sea salt
fresh ground pepper

Preheat oven on broiler setting. Place a rack about six inches from broiler.  Cut the tomatoes in half and arrange on a platter with the garlic and coursely chopped basil. Slice the loaf of bread, on the bias, into 3/4-inch slices. Place bread in oven on sheet pan and broil until golden brown on both sides, approximately two minutes for the first side and 1 to 1 1/2 for second side. Remove to a platter and rub each slice of bread with the garlic. Squeeze and rub the tomato on the bread and then drizzle with olive oil. Sprinkle with basil, salt and pepper.  Serve immediately.

Why this works:  This bruschetta contains antiaging fighters that stop collagen from breaking down by a WHOPPING 35%!   Let's eat this everyday :D

Blogcation Information and Super Tiny M.A.C Review! 

I have officially started a blogcation (a blog vacation) effective until Thursday, October 15th. Please feel free to keep the questions coming to me @ 

   In other news, Tuesday night I went to a pre-release event at M.A.C for their holiday collection, Magic, Mirth, and Mischief.  The collection was absolutely gorgeous, though some items are from the permanent collection.  There are three new dazzleglasses in the collection-love them!  I was pleasantly surprised to see the return of the cremesheen, Ever So Rich and two beautiful, new mineralized blushes.  There was so much to choose from in this collection that I was overwhelmed.  
  Sad, but true story:  The entire two hours plus I was at the event, I didn't realize I could purchase items from the collection that night and take them home.  I made a comment to one of the girls about not liking sneak peeks because I don't like to wait, I thought the M.A.C employee said something about us only having to wait two weeks and so I thought the purpose of the event was to show us the collection and allow us to pre-order items, there were so many people and it was so much going on that I thought I would just wait.  It wasn't until the end of the event, when everything had been put up that I found out the point of the event was for us to be able to pre-purchase and take home the items.  I could have passed out on-the-spot when they told me that I could have taken the items home--Duh!  There was so much noise and excitement in the M.A.C store, I misunderstood what the young lady said.  Now I have to wait two weeks--just think of all the pretty pictures I could have shared in this post--Oh well:(  I will post more pictures after the release because I know that you will love the holiday makeup bags and sets.

Here are a few pictures (this should hold you over until then :D):  

There is so much more in this collection, I am looking forward to the release, aren't you?


Quick Tip for Natural Makeup

  I really appreciate those of you who've emailed questions and requests for post topics.  I am going to get to all of them as soon as possible.  
  One of the most popular questions that I have received, is about wearing makeup without looking as if you are wearing makeup.  That is an excellent question and one of the goals of many women that wear makeup.  In fact,  I've often been very amused by the amount of time some of us take applying our makeup in hopes of achieving a non made-up look. 
  If you don't need a lot of coverage, you can try wearing a tinted moisturizer in place of a full-coverage foundation.  If you don't have a tinted moisturizer, you can make your own by adding two parts foundation to one part moisturizer and mix them together.  Make sure that your foundation matches your skin tone or is slightly darker.  If you want to make a very small batch just to try it out,  you can mix one-half teaspoon of foundation to one teaspoon of your favorite facial moisturizer and apply.  If you would like a matte finish, you can apply a translucent face powder.  I like M.A.C's blot powder (for oily skin especially) and their mineralize skinfinish natural pressed powders.
  Next, add your blush slightly above and across the apples of your cheeks and sweep the color towards your hairline.--That will give you an instant lift! Next, take the same blush and apply the color to your lids.  You can apply a little blush to the center of your chin and the middle of your forehead.  
  Next, take a nude colored eye pencil and line the waterline of your eye for a fresh and alert look.  I love using waterproof eye pencils for this purpose.  I also like using eye kohls by M.A.C, Rimmel and Stila.
  Since the look we are going for is a natural one, the goal is to give an illusion (I hate to use that word :( )of a natural rosy glow from within, so you can apply a near nude sheer lipstick or gloss with the same tint as your blush.  You could also dab a little of the blush on your lips with your fingertip and add a sheer gloss (a shimmery one if you're feeling fancy:D ) over your blush tinted lips. The final step is to apply your mascara, and you're ready to go. 

Thanks for reading, let me know how it worked for you....
For additional questions email me @

P.S.  If you need fuller coverage , you can apply your foundation, concealer, and finishing powder  like you normally would, and then follow the rest of the steps.


Before You Go to a Makeup Counter...

  For some the idea of putting on makeup or trying a new look may seem overwhelming and maybe even impossible but, it doesn't have to be.  You can go to almost any makeup counter and receive help and there are a few things that you can do to ensure a productive visit.  
  The first thing you need to do is determine your overall goal, whether you want to experiment with a simple everyday look, an easy evening look, or both.  Whatever your goal is, write it down and if you have pictures of makeup looks that inspire you, by all means take them with you.  
  I like to visit different cosmetic companies' websites and check for new products and specials before I go.  This gives me an opportunity to familiarize myself with the the products that I am most interested in.
  I can't speak for every makeup counter in the world but, I know that the beauty advisors and makeup artists at companies such as M.A.C, Makeup Forever, Stila, Bobbi Brown, Lancome, Estee Lauder, Trish McEvoy, Clinique, and etc. receive good training.  
 My top recommendation is M.A.C because this company was created by pro makeup artists for pro makeup artists. One of things that I love about going to M.A.C is that the artists know their products, you can ask them any question about any product in the store and they will be able to confidently answer you. M.A.C is a great place to go whether you are a makeup novice or a seasoned professional.  M.A.C artists are trained and equipped to guide you in creating any look.  Many of their artists have worked behind the scenes at many notable events and fashion shows all over the world.  They train with some of the best artists in the world and are one of the forces behind each season's makeup trends.  So they are more than capable of helping you.  
  After you have decided which counter or store you will visit, you can make an appointment and ask about upcoming events.  I like to go during the least busiest times so that the artists can take their time and work with me without too many interruptions. 

  Another thing you can do is make sure to carry a pocket mirror so that after you try on foundation and/or concealer, you can walk into an area lit by natural light to see if you have a true match because, it's sometimes hard to judge in artificial light.  If you aren't able to see the makeup in natural light at that moment, ask for a sample of a couple of shades to try later when you are.  
  If you are on a tight budget or a makeup newbie, ask for help with a simple everyday look that can be transitioned easily into an evening look with minimal product.  Don't let the artist have all the fun, make sure to make up one side of your face so that you will feel confident about doing it on your own. 
  In this post I made suggestions about the cosmetic companies based on my experiences with those companies but, every counter is different and every beauty advisor's passion is different.  For example Ulta in your area might be equipped with excellent beauty advisors or artists but my experiences with the Ulta in my area weren't so great.  One of the employees that I dealt with didn't know what an eyeshadow base was.  I asked for a certain brand of eyeshadow base and she gave me an eyeliner pencil instead.  I was insulted and stunned.  How do you work for a makeup supply store and not know nor care about a major item such as an eyeshadow base, and where is your makeup?  I immediately left the store!   Those of you who have a strong passion for makeup can relate I'm sure :D  As I was driving to M.A.C, I thought about all of the times I was misled and all of the money wasted on items that didn't work for me and that's what inspired me to write this post.  I hope that the information shared was helpful and I am only half kidding about being insulted at Ulta--I like to tap into my humorous side every now and then. Thank you for reading!

Questions?  Email me @


What You Need to Know About Being Bold and Fearless

by Joyce Meyer

Bold: to be brave, daring, courageous, intrepid, valiant.

  God is calling us to be bold. If you have the tendency to not take chances in life because you’re afraid of making mistakes, God wants you to know He’s pleased with you when you try. It doesn’t matter if you don’t do everything exactly right. What matters is that you step out in faith, believing God will help you!

  Second Timothy 1:7 says that God has not given us a spirit of fear but of power—and He wants us to use it! It doesn’t take courage to do what we already know we can do. True courage is displayed when you’re afraid to do something but you go ahead and do it anyway. The truth is, we don’t ever have to fear because we can ask God for His help anytime we need it.

If you would like to read the rest of this article click on the following link or copy and paste it in your browser:


Romantic Luxury by Ralph Lauren

  I was going through my inbox and ran across a fashion trend report recently, which led me to Ralph Lauren's website.  My first instinct was to glance at his fall collection for some style inspiration and I was not disappointed.  After over forty years of timeless looks and uncompromising style, Ralph Lauren is still inspiring others to dream and look good while doing so.
  The theme for the collection is romantic luxury and everything about this collection reflected that, which is one of the reasons I loved it.  This collection is probably one of my favorite fall collections so far because it has everything from ultra glam to metro chic, classic lines and silhouettes.   The collection was also very light and soft, which is a refreshing break from the dark and edgy trends that are really popular right now.  Homage was also paid to the little black dress, which I definitely appreciate and the evening looks were feminine without appearing contrived.  
  Looking through the collection I felt as if I were travelling through time which gave it a feeling of real love laced with wisdom and old world glam.  This collection really spoke to me, and  I can honestly say that it gave me more than I intended, more than a pretty look.  I believe the woman that wears any look ( if I use the word look one more time, I know ;D )--please cut me some slack it's almost 4am :/  cont'd: from this  collection is confident, strong, sophisticated, intelligent, stable, loving, graceful, a little sassy but classy.  Each look left me wanting more and more. Bravissimo Mr. Lauren!
P.S.   I didn't intend for this post to be so long but I was so happy to share this collection with you (if you haven't seen it already) and I was literally moved to tears because I feel as if this collection is a gift and tribute to women.  So many women have been through so many personal challenges and tragedies that have chipped away at their self confidence little by little and don't get me started on some of the false images projected in society today.  For a long time I've felt as if there has been an all-out attack on women's feminity, self-respect,and self-love and this collection gave me hope that we can get it all back.   
Please check out this collection (@ and share your thoughts with us.....


The It Bag!

  One of the hottest trend accessories for fall is the red handbag. This trend will work for anyone and goes hand and hand with the red lip trend for this season. Here are a few red hot bags that have inspired me:

Pietro Alessandro      Steven by Steve Madden        High Fashion
Pleated Tote                  Naomi Medium                 Quilted Satchel$172.80$129.66$250.00

  If you are like me and don't like wearing a lot of colors, this trend will work great to give a pop of color to your look without being too overpowering and busy.  I am so glad that we are passed the era of obligated pairings in shoes and handbags, belts and handbags, belts and shoes, and etc.  We are no longer bound to the matching rules, so feel free to rock this trend however you want.  Remember,  if you decide to add a red purse to your wardrobe,  you are not required to buy matching red pumps.  
My only request is that you give the red lip trend a try--and yes, there is a shade of red lipstick or gloss for everyone.   

P.S.  I shopped around for red handbags for less and none of the red bags that I found "on-the-cheap" impressed me.  If you have any suggestions please feel free to email me ( or leave your input in the comment box below by clicking on the word "comment".


Timesaving F/W Trend for Nails!

  Fashion is definitely on my side this year--first the thick brow trend, the biker jacket trend, the smokey eye trend, now the nude nail trend.  Why is this great?  For all of you divas on the go, that means fewer polish changes, fewer  touch-ups, less fuss and muss and more time for other things.  
Here are some of my favorites:

By Borghese:
          Botticelli Nude

By OPI: 
          Skinny Dip'n in Lake Michigan
          Samoan Sand
          Dulce de Leche
          My Daddy is the King!
          Get Me to the Taj on Time
If you haven't gone to OPI's website lately, please check it out.  They have a neat tool on there to help you find the best shade for your skin tone.

By Essie:
          Mink Muffs

          Bags to Riches
          Naked Truth

By Sally Hansen:
          No Chip 10 Day Nail Color--Infinite Natural

What's your favorite nude color?