
About Joyce Meyer

Every Sunday I plan to post an inspirational message. I decided to post the first one in honor of my mother. Joyce Meyer was my mother's favorite female minister. My mother was a faithful partner with JMM and owned every tape and every book released before she went home to be with the Lord. My mother used to play her tapes over and over throughout the day. Whenever we took a road trip, she'd play the tapes until we reached our destination. I've always loved music so I would beg to play some (there were no ipods back then) to which she would reply, "Music is good but you need the Word. You need balance."
I copied the following from her website:
Joyce Meyer

Joyce Meyer is one of the world's leading practical Bible teachers. A New York Times bestselling author, her books have helped millions of people find hope and restoration through Jesus Christ.

Through Joyce Meyer Ministries, she teaches on hundreds of subjects, has authored over 80 books and conducts approximately 15 conferences per year. To date, more than 12 million of her books have been distributed worldwide, and in 2007 more than 3.2 million copies were sold. Joyce also has a television and radio program, Enjoying Everyday Life®, that is broadcast worldwide to a potential audience of 3 billion people. Access her programs anytime of day.

Having suffered sexual abuse as a child and the pain of an emotionally abusive first marriage, Joyce discovered the freedom to live victoriously by applying God's Word to her life and in turn desires to help others do the same. From her battle with breast cancer to the struggles of everyday life, she speaks openly and practically about her experiences so others can apply what she has learned to their lives.

Over the years, God has provided Joyce with many opportunities to share her testimony and the life-changing message of the Gospel. In fact, Time magazine selected her as one of the most influential evangelical leaders in America. She is an incredible testimony of the dynamic, redeeming work of Jesus Christ. She believes and teaches that regardless of a person's background or past mistakes, God has a place for them and can help them on their path to enjoying everyday life.

Joyce holds an earned PhD in theology from Life Christian University in Tampa, Florida; an honorary doctorate in divinity from Oral Roberts University in Tulsa, Oklahoma; and an honorary doctorate in sacred theology from Grand Canyon University in Phoenix, Arizona. Joyce and her husband, Dave, have been married for over forty years, and they are the parents of four grown children. Dave and Joyce Meyer make their home in St. Louis, Missouri.

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